Saturday, January 12, 2013

I think I lost a chicken, and five fast miles


Here's what I found when I went out to feed the flock tonight.

Uno, dos, tres, cuatro. Huh?

I thought there were five.

I'm not sure if there really were five or I just thought that there were since it's a more solid number. Maybe there were originally only four. I do know there were and still are two turkeys.

Wild turkey

Meet George. He's a three-year-old domestic turkey and his breast area is so fat he can't walk (they're bred to be that way, for Thanksgiving feasts). He's seems happy enough to lounge around the pen eating and getting fatter. Kinda like me after marathon training.

And finally this: One perfect brown egg. Laid just for me!

Before the chicken feeding, I ran five fast tempo miles in the wonderful late afternoon twilight. How nice to run in the country again. It reminded me of living in Seward, which I miss terribly.

Oh, I must, must, must move to a smaller Alaska town!

Cheers and happy running, everyone.